European citizenship in the classroom: Cases for empowered EU citizens

The impact of the EU on everyday life is huge, but not always visible. Transforming young people into informed and empowered EU citizens requires active learning to prepare them for social responsibility and democratic participation.

This book offers a practical guide for all secondary and higher education teachers who want to teach their pupils and students critical citizenship in different subjects and courses. Concrete cases based on lawsuits handled by the Court of Justice of the European Union stimulate students to think critically. The cases aptly illustrate the impact of the EU in the daily lives of its citizens in many areas of society: from the internal market and the free movement of goods and persons, over themes such as democracy, equality, privacy, social rights, to consumer protection, environment and migration.

Through a wide range of teaching activities and teaching methods, the book provides an accessible insight into the DNA of the EU and EU citizenship. European citizenship in the classroom is therefore a must-read for anyone who wants to better understand European citizenship themselves or who wants to stimulate young people to critically reflect on it. This manual originated from the Erasmus+ project Case4EU and was written by a multidisciplinary team of authors (law, philosophy, political and social sciences).

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