Napoleon Bonaparte: Purpose and religion of an emperor

During the French Revolution the Catholic Church was actively opposed. Some wanted an atheistic state. Others wanted some freedom to believe. For Napoleon, the Pope of Rome was no more than a pawn standing on the chessboard.
In 1799 he invaded Rome and took the Pope hostage. His successor Pius VII chose eggs for his money. In exchange for more peace in France, a renewed religious freedom and a return of the papal state, the Pope Napoleon blessed when he crowned himself emperor. Napoleon was expelled from the Catholic Church in 1809 (excommunicated) because he did not fulfill his agreements with the pope. For Napoleon it was simple: he occupied Rome and the papal state again. And again the pope was taken hostage.
Napoleon was invincible to his disastrous journey to Moscow in 1812. The church at the end of the video is Christ's Savior Cathedral in Moscow. This was built as a thank you that Russia survived the war in 1812. In 1931 the church was blown up by Stalin, but was rebuilt after the fall of communism. She was ready in 2000.

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