MapsTell: Behavioral Style Coaching

MapsTell has developed a unique and innovative way to provide insight into behavior, namely through an interactive map. Four behavioral styles (DISC) and sixteen types are distinguished, which together form the World of Difference. This makes behavior visible visually and in an interactive way.

During the training you literally take a step on our big map and get to work on your personal goals. Fun examples and interactive exercises will give you insight into your perception and you will learn to be more aware of things that you often unconsciously do or find important.

As certified guides, we map your behavior. This helps you to gain more insight into your behavioral style and that of the other person. Based on these new insights, we will work actively and experience-oriented. This helps you build bridges with others and grow in: collaboration, communication, personal leadership...
Using MapsTell and based on the questionnaire you completed, we create a route description of your behavioral and communication characteristics. Furthermore, we process this data in a beautiful map: your PersonalMap. The names of the cities, rivers, mountains and seas in your map tell everything about your behavioral style. In addition, the map shows how others experience your behavior and where your pitfalls and challenges lie. You get to know yourself (even) better and you really learn to understand others. With PersonalMapping we literally map you.

What does working with MapsTell mean for you?

  • maps your behavioral style and stimulates personal development;
  • helps to better understand others, embrace differences and find similarities;
  • makes behavior visible and explainable in a visual way;
  • focus on behavior! Never on personality;
  • improved team performance, collaboration and communication with each other;
  • easy to read unlike thick reports;
  • visual representation of the DISC model.

The aim of the training is to give you more insight into the different types of behavioral styles, to recognize your own behavior and to use your strengths in order to communicate even better/more effectively with other people, including with those where this is normally the case. might be a bit more difficult.

The training starts from a minimum of 8 participants.

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