Are you crazy!?: Workshop in the classroom on mental health

Adolescence is a period in which young people develop their own identity and discover the world. They may have many questions about their own thoughts, feelings and behavior and those of others. Yet talking about this is difficult.

With the game ' Are you crazy!? ' we challenge young people to do so.

Game description

The players discover different situations that fictional characters struggle with. Everyone experiences situations in their own way and deals with them differently.

After this, the players step into the shoes of the characters and look for ways to feel better about themselves again. They rely on their fellow players and aid organizations, but also encounter less helpful responses and their own limits.

Developed and designed by De Aanstokerij in collaboration with Te Gek!?. With support from the Flemish Government.


  • Young people reflect on mental health using the 4G diagram (event, thought, feeling, behavior).
  • Young people are becoming aware of stigmas surrounding mental health.
  • Young people are introduced to first-line aid organizations.
  • Young people take action for and with mental (un)health.

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