EDUbox Fake News: Educational tool from VRT NWS

Disinformation and fake news are everywhere. And not so easy to expose. That is why VRT NWS, Knowledge Center Mediawijs, Artevelde University College and IMEC are launching the EDUbox Fake News. The EDUbox should inform young people about fake news and provide tips and tricks.

What is the EDUbox?

EDUbox is an educational tool from VRT NWS to introduce young people to various social themes in a different way. EDUbox was developed together with Mediawijs and other partners. In addition to all the content that VRT NWS makes on radio, TV, online and via social media, VRT NWS also wants to inform young people via EDUbox and inspire and encourage them to get started themselves.

EDUbox Fake News

The EDUbox should inform secondary school students about fake news. Young people take on the role of a fake news detective. Step by step, with the help of chips and assignments linked to a digital panel on, they learn to unmask fake news in a playful way. They get tips such as check the date, check the author, check the source. VRT journalists also explain in videos how they check information and images on the editorial board.

The EDUbox Fake News consists of six parts: an introduction, the basis with tips and tricks and an exercise, two chapters that delve deeper into fake news and extra inspiration. Under the guidance of the teacher, students are motivated to discuss current topics that are discussed in the EDUbox.

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