Puffing or shivering

In Puffing or shivering , the students start from climate change as a problem, they are introduced to the greenhouse effect experimentally and they study a few statistics. They are encouraged to think about which designs and realizations already exist as a solution to this problem and they can let their imagination run free to design a technical system that might offer a solution.
The students discover how important energy labels are when commissioning technical systems and evaluate their own ecological footprint.
Through a number of research assignments, they discover more about sustainable energy, energy conversions and the magical peltier element.
The classes are also challenged to play a match against each other. Which class is the most ecological? To do this, the different classes must go through the technical process to realize a compost boiler, a solar oven, a mini greenhouse and a marine pool.
This project deals with the professions bio-engineer, energy expert and insulation practitioner.

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