Conclusion or statement: Practice tickets

On the basis of these cards you can practice theory (positions and conclusions) and arguments in the students (during class) or repeat (end of lesson or start of new lesson).

On the first page there are always cards with the first part of a sentence, on the second page there is always the continuation of the sentences. This document is the working document of the teacher. The numbers on the cards indicate which cards fit together and the letter indicates whether the compound sentence is a conclusion or a statement.

The intention is for the teacher to know the numbers and letters and only the pieces of sentences on the cards. The first sheet can be printed on a different color paper than the second one to make the exercise slightly easier. This way the students know that they have to look for a card of the other color to complete their sentence.

How do you proceed?

  1. The tickets are distributed randomly over the students (alone or in group).
  2. The students move through the classroom and find the missing part of their sentence.
  3. The students determine on the basis of sentence structure and the used signal words whether it is a statement or a conclusion. The conclusions are on one side of the classroom, the statements on the other.
  4. You go over the answers of the students, let them think with you and if necessary move them to the other group.

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