Transformation in the classroom: Economics teaching materials with a sustainable and pluralistic approach

The teaching package 'Transformation in the classroom' was developed and tested in the context of a doctoral research and is suitable for students in the 6th year of secondary education. The teaching material is supplementary and partly replaces certain chapters from the manual.
The teaching package consists of two teaching modules that take a transformative approach to integrate sustainability and pluralism into economics education.

Module 1 covers evaluating economic growth as a measure of prosperity and well-being.
This module consists of a manual for the teacher, a work bundle for the students, a solution key for the teacher and PowerPoints that can be used during the lesson. The material contributes to the achievement of final objectives 16.1.10 (final objectives after modernization - 3rd grade - Specific final objectives in Economics).

Module 2 deals with reflecting on the limits of the economy and the role they play in it.
This module consists of a serious game including manual and supplies, a manual for the teacher, a work bundle for the students, a solution key for the teacher and PowerPoints that can be used during the lesson. The material contributes to the achievement of final objectives 16.1.11 and 16.1.13 (final objectives after modernization - 3rd grade - Specific final objectives in Economics).

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