Being smart is a thousand things: Lesson suggestions with the book

Let your students discover the ways they are all smart with the picture book Being smart is a thousand things .

You are smart if you can do difficult sums. But you are also smart when you dream about dragons. To be smart is to count, to spell, to know a lot. But being smart also comes in a lot of things that you cannot measure with points. This heartwarming picture book shows that intelligence has many facets. Because being smart is in so many things: in the joy of a bumblebee whizzing past. Blowing in bubbles. Learning through play. In being kind. In daydreaming and fantasizing. In a thousand other things.

With this lesson suggestion drawn up by Ilse Verhoeven, you and your students will discover in which ways you can be smart. A class consists of students with thousands of talents and each of those talents makes children smart.

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